Scale2Progress Patch v1.0.1 is out!


Patch v1.0.1:

+ New keybinds: You can use these new keybinds to change object's properties (without using buttons on the property menu):

    - Number 1 + Scroll wheel: Scale property;

    - Number 2 + Scroll wheel: Gravity property;

+ Screen resolution fix: Adjusted screen resolution (1366x768 to 1920x1080) for HTML port, and resizable windows for Windows port.

+ Tweaked player physics: The old player physics was supposed to be only for debugging, and I forgot to remove it in the initial release :P New player physics will be easier to control (hopefully).

+ Added cursor indicator.

+ Pause button update: Pause button is now clickable! This is for the Android port update, which will coming soon! This still works for Windows and HTML, since the cursor indicator is now added.

+ Restart option: Added a restart game button in pause menu and in the end popup.

+ Bugfixes & Minor changes:

    - Fixed room 12, now you can't jump off the room (in 0.5x gravity).

    - Fixed weird checkpoint placement in room 9.

    - Nerfed room 9 slightly.

    - Start menu now has delay (about 1 seconds) to avoid skipping it by accident.

    - Room 6 adjusted to fix a visual bug.


Files 59 MB
19 days ago

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